Allentown / Reading Deals

Historical, 127-room castle ensconces guests in Jazz Age opulence amid elaborate gardens

Cleaners expunge stains with eco-friendly solvents before tucking garments into recyclable bags & delivering to customers’ homes

Naples-born owner slings handmade ricotta-stuffed ravioli & pappardelle pasta with italian sausage, mushrooms & saffron cream sauce

Basco glass enclosures envelop showers, towering mirrors encircle rooms & 140 patterns of obscure glass adorn fixtures

Baker Kim Brittenburg forges bouquets blooming with 12 edible roses along with never-frozen cupcakes, italian-cream cakes & cutout cookies

Home-security experts use pet-sensitive digital system & ADT monitoring to fortify domiciles & entry points against unwanted intrusions

Servers parade various cuts of beef, pork, chicken & lamb through dining area & carve off slices tableside

History museum has enlightened more than 8 million visitors on Civil War with 35 realistic scenes & more than 300 life-size wax figures

18th-century boarding house within walking distance of Baltimore's lively Inner Harbor

Footwear designers create four on-trend looks to warm feet through chilly months