Allentown / Reading - Dry Cleaning & Laundry Deals
Half Off Dry Cleaning
$20 for $40 Worth of Dry Cleaning at National Cleaners & Yorgey's Fine Cleaning
24 Sep, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Cleaners at 85-year-old business freshen garments with same-day turnaround at no extra charge
Half Off Dry-Cleaning Services With Pickup and Delivery
Dry-Cleaning Services Including Pickup and Delivery at Innovative Dry Cleaning in Bartonsville (Half Off). Two Options Available.
16 Feb, 2012 at 05:00 AM

Cleaners expunge stains with eco-friendly solvents before tucking garments into recyclable bags & delivering to customers’ homes
52% Off Dry Cleaning
$12 for $25 Worth of Dry Cleaning at National Cleaners & Yorgey’s Fine Cleaning
19 Sep, 2011 at 04:01 AM

Leading Dry Cleaner 2006–2010; Environmentally friendly; Choice of 10 locations ;