Asheville - Education Deals

Educational materials precede flight lesson led by FAA-certified instructors; would-be pilots are connected with area flight schools

Experienced instructors tailor lessons to individual learning methods to train students in waltz, foxtrot, swing, and salsa

Trapeze instructors teach up to 15 high-flying students how to perform knee hang, backflip dismount & midair transfer

Access to 38 courses & 500-plus hours at all levels of online training on workplace mainstays such as Microsoft Excel & Lotus Notes

Guided by experienced instructors who perform the takeoff and landing, students do most of the flying in a Cessna Skyhawk SP

Instructors help future newlyweds choreograph their first dance through selection of song & instruction in complimentary dance style

Professional trader seen on Million Dollar Traders teaches novices to turn profits & design balanced portfolios in five steps

Cross-platform education site preps students in GMAT, LSAT & other academic fields through discussion boards, quizzes & practice tests

Award-winning multimedia lessons in French, German, Italian, Spanish & 34 more languages with feedback from native speakers

E-books, videos & interactive online classes with image sharing & critiques allow students to work at their own pace.