Atlanta - Skin Care & Facials Deals

Board-certified physicians remove unwanted fat with laser light and perform post-op treatments without general anesthesia

A Palomar IPL apparatus permanently reduces hair at the follicular level with contact cooling and smooth pulsing technologies

Custom anti-aging facials cleanse and smooth skin; massages drain stress from muscles with Swedish or therapeutic techniques

Diamond-tipped microdermabrasion wand bolsters cellular turnover at dermal and epidermal level, aiming to reduce hyperpigmentation & scars.

Acid peels range from pumpkin to salicylic types; wine and hors d'oeuvres accompany dual reflexology treatments

Hot stones soothe muscles and botanicals soften skin in nature-themed treatment rooms

Up to eight injections of a sclerosant cause spider veins to collapse and dissipate into the bloodstream

After skin assessment, aesthetician performs exfoliation during dermaplaning treatment followed by deep-pore cleansing facial

A crystal-tipped wand buffs the skin and enhances collagen production, creating an even skin tone and producing a fresh-faced appearance

Aestheticians help vanquish unwanted spider veins by zapping skin surfaces with Alma Harmony XL laser, resulting in little downtime