Atlanta - Yoga Deals

Candles set the mood for gently flowing yoga, Zumba ups heart rates with global dance beats, and Pilates strengthens core muscles.

In a warm studio, students move through poses in power, Vinyasa, and core yoga classes, building strength while detoxifying through sweat.

Well-traveled & experienced instructors lead students through myriad basic & specialty classes in new studio

Owner trained by master yogis enlists certified instructors to teach all-level pupils & emphasize unifying body, mind & spirit

Owner trained by master yogis enlists certified instructors to teach all-level pupils & emphasize unifying body, mind & spirit

Experienced instructors help students become more flexible & build muscle in regular & hot yoga or Pilates classes

Experienced yoga instructors coach students of all skill levels during hot & regular yoga sessions & offer classes in Spanish

Trained instructors guide students through yoga, tai chi, Zumba & dance moves six days a week atop studio’s vinyl-padded floors

Veteran instructor stretches stiff somas during vigorous, heated workouts, modifying poses to suit ability levels

Licensed massage therapists; Detoxification treatments; Spinal-relaxation therapies; Two-hour package ;