Austin - Medical Spas Deals

Paul Mitchell School–trained aesthetician renews facial skin with medical-grade microdermabrasion, Skin Script enzymes & SkinMedica products

Noninvasive, medical-grade microcrystals exfoliate visages and smooth away rough cells for variety of skin conditions

Trained techs use noninvasive Lapex 2000 laser to target & diminish spot fat while leaving adjacent areas untouched

Knowledgeable techs use intense-pulsed-light apparatus to target weathered skin & reduce appearance of scars, dark circles & fine lines

Dermal wizards wave Aura lasers over skin, which works to smooth epidermis, shrink pores & help eliminate sun spots & skin damage

More than 20 years of holistic healing; Thorough full-body evaluation; Uncover underlying body pains;

Skin-smoothing injection; RN-administered treatments under physician supervision;