Baltimore Deals

Series of veneers adheres to visible part of teeth to create beautiful smiles & boost client confidence

Culinary expert guides students through two-hour cooking class crafting New Age Italian or classic French cuisine with optional wine pairing

ASE-certified mechanics & body-restoration techs recondition cars damaged by dents, corrupted by scratches & sullied inside & out

Nurse practitioner delivers up to one year’s supply of vitamin B12 shots to increase energy, metabolism, memory & calcium absorption

ASE-certified techs at three locations fill ‘er up with Quaker State synthetic-blend oil, do performance inspections & replace wiper blades

Dental professionals scout out problems with dental exams, digital x-rays & cancer screenings, then purify fangs with hygienic cleanings

New & antique handmade Oriental rugs in variety of shapes & sizes, including stair runners & round rugs

MP3 player cranks stored songs or radio hits, illuminates photos & videos on 1.8-in. color display & helps organization with voice recorder

Beneath crystal chandeliers, savvy stylists transform worn & weary hands with durable Shellac polish & softening paraffin treatments

Day spa draws on feng shui principles to soften faces with Dermalogica Age Smart products & firm bodies with lipo-fitness wraps