Baltimore - Cooking Classes Deals
Three-hour classes guide preparation of themed menus using healthy, local ingredients
Chef Apple curates gourmet sweets & handcrafts organic chicken cordon bleu or shrimp scampi for pre-prepared Valentine's feasts
Chef instills students with French, Italian or Japanese culinary techniques or tips for romantic couples' meals
Chef teaches students to steam & season rice & wrap eclectic ingredients in nori seaweed to create unusual sushi rolls
Accomplished pastry chef & self-taught cook guides three-hour intensive courses ranging from holiday menus to world cuisines
In wo-hour class, sushi veteran Chef Apple doles out sushi-making materials students can take home, along with sake & rolling techniques
Wine expert reveals tasting techniques & pours 4 wines to investigate regions, varietals, or vintages in tandem with handmade edibles
Choice of any workshop; Convenient evening schedule; Certified instructors; Online & phone-in cleanse;