Baltimore - Medical Spas Deals

Master cosmetologist wields NaturaLight IPL system aiming to remove or permanently reduce hair growth by targeting follicles under skin

During noninvasive treatments, technicians use Cutera ProWave laser system to inhibit follicular growth, incurring minimal discomfort

Noninvasive pulses of light target follicles & disable growth during 30- to 60-minute sessions that require no downtime afterwards

Doctors reduce wrinkles on foreheads & between brows with minimally invasive Botox or Dysport beauty injections

FDA–approved technology smoothes cellulite & tightens skin on one of six valid treatment areas in gentle procedure without downtime

Advanced CoolTouch laser tackles unwanted strands to help clients achieve long-lasting hairlessness over six treatments

Under medical director Dr. Natasha Sandy, highly trained nurses & technicians blast away at unwanted vessels using Cutera CoolGlide lasers

Trained technicians evict unwanted body hair on wide range of treatment areas in gentle procedure with no downtime

20-minute laser vein treatments for legs or face; Wide range of beauty services; Free medical consultation;