Baton Rouge Deals

Local grocery started in 1984 remains independent and stocks USDA Choice meats, baked goods, and flower arrangements

Candela GentleYAG laser dissolves unwanted follicles from areas such as chin or lower legs and keeps skin safe with cryogen cooling system

After initial scouting of chimney issues, cleaners specializing in creosote & animal removal clear flues to leave behind cleaner hearths

Clients ease into massage chairs as technicians apply exfoliating masks to extremities and paint nails with polish or long-lasting shellac

Women-only pole-fitness classes of up to five pupils cater to participants at all levels

Program featured on Oprah, The View, and The Ellen DeGeneres Show that helped Kirstie Alley lose 100 pounds; includes recipes

Guides lead patrons through one of New Orleans' oldest cemeteries before they spin lore of Voodoo's history inside authentic Voodoo temple

Noninvasive, low-level lasers emulsify fat-cell membranes to slim down physiques without affecting surrounding tissues

Educational materials precede flight lesson led by FAA-certified instructors; would-be pilots are connected with area flight schools

10-minute oil change includes up to 5 quarts of conventional oil, a new filter, and inspection of engine, chassis, and lights