Baton Rouge - Massage Deals

In private room, skilled muscle menders employ long, flowing Swedish strokes or firm, lower-layer muscle kneading to temper bodily tension

Licensed massage therapist relaxes muscles with 60 minutes of Swedish strokes or deep-tissue kneading

In private room, skilled muscle menders employ long, flowing Swedish strokes or firm, lower-layer muscle kneading to temper bodily tension

Nail technicians dote on hands & feet during manicures & hot-stone-fortified pedicures

Inspired by soothing properties of water, massage therapist implements myriad techniques to loosen physical & mental muscles

Soft music murmurs as licensed therapist treats upper body to 30-minute Swedish or deep-tissue massage & nourishes pores with mini facial

Therapists combine traditional massage techniques with manual lymphatic drainage for greater ease of movement, pain management & health

Mental stress & bodily aches melt as licensed massage therapist deploys deep-tissue or Swedish massage modalities

Licensed massage therapist aims to expel bodily tension with Swedish or deep-tissue massage & soft music