Birmingham - Home Services Deals

Specialists clear chimneys and inspect for cracks to prepare homes for upcoming cooler seasons

Truck-mounted hot-water extraction method uses eco-friendly Rotovac power-wand system to remove grime from carpet fibers and dingy tiles

Two movers blanket wrap belongings and cart them into their moving trucks

Technicians evict roaches, ants, and spiders from interiors; tackle exterior perimeters; and treat yards for fleas

Licensed and insured technicians sanitize bathroom and kitchen fixtures, mop and vacuum floors, dust surfaces, and clean interior windows

Treatments deter mosquitoes from outdoor areas, and techs identify sources of mosquito risk that homeowners can remove

Licensed and insured staffers do all the prep work before adding two coats of customer-provided paint

Thorough dusting, mopping, vacuuming, and general housecleaning services from cleaners with 25 years of experience

Professional organizer Christi Gamble helps homeowners reclaim spaces such as closets, kitchens, and kids’ rooms from unruly messes

After initial scouting of chimney issues, cleaners specializing in creosote & animal removal clear flues to leave behind cleaner hearths