Boise - Massage Deals
Savvy massage therapists soothe bodies with gliding Swedish strokes or knot-penetrating deep-tissue kneads
Therapist Aaron Noleen performs reiki energy work and amma massage to relieve stress and physical ailments
Savvy airbrush artists spritz bodies with sunless serum to create a natural-looking bronze
Heated memory foam table inside private treatment room with warm towels, heated blankets, and Himalayan salt packs
Licensed massage therapist reduces aches and stress with Swedish, neuromuscular, therapeutic, and prenatal modalities
An aesthetician paints your body with a nutrient-rich mud that simultaneously hydrates and detoxifies
Licensed muscle-melters soothe tight tendons & reduce stress with one-hour massages at clinics, wellness centers & health spas
Aesthetician completely uproots fuzz from nether regions with Cirepil Blue hard wax that removes unwanted hair without damaging skin
Massage therapists use firm, deep-tissue kneads to relieve pain and tension throughout the body
Sensory scrubs exfoliate skin & infuse fragrances such as raspberry champagne or chocolate; integrated massage addresses specific issues