Boston - Alternative Medicine Practitioners Deals
Up to Half Off Natural-Health Services
Three or Five Infrared-Sauna Sessions or a Nutrition Evaluation at Marblehead Natural Healing (Up to Half Off)
04 Aug, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Sauna sessions or nutrition evaluations conducted by Dr. Feinbloom, voted Boston’s Best Female Chiropractor by Self magazine readers
Up to 68% Off Zerona Laser Treatments in Wakefield
Six or Nine Zerona Laser Treatments with Enhancements at Essential Energetics Clinic in Wakefield (Up to 68% Off)
19 Jun, 2012 at 04:00 AM

The noninvasive laser shrinks fat cells to reduce inches; enhancement treatments can include acupuncture or a detoxifying footbath
Up to 78% Off Body Contouring in Londonderry
Three or Five Lipo-Light Body-Contouring Sessions at Bergeron Chiropractic, LLC in Londonderry (Up to 78% Off)
26 Apr, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Lipo-Light combines heat & LED light with diet & exercise to help client shed unwanted pounds & fat.
Up to 68% Off Zerona Treatments in Wakefield
Six or Nine Zerona Laser Treatments with Enhancement Treatments at Essential Energetics Clinic in Wakefield (Up to 68% Off)
11 Jan, 2012 at 05:02 AM

Noninvasive FDA-approved laser slims inches from waistline, hips & thighs with little downtime
59% Off Weight-Loss Hypnosis from Tom Nicoli
$199 for Three Weight-Loss Hypnosis Sessions and Two CDs from Tom Nicoli ($480 Value)
By Tom Nicoli
14 Sep, 2011 at 04:02 AM

Board-certified hypnotist; Repair unhealthy relationships with diet & exercise; CDs reinforce sessions;