Boston - Chimney Sweep Deals

After initial scouting of chimney issues, cleaners specializing in creosote and animal removal clear flues to leave behind cleaner hearths

Chimney specialist utilizes more than 15 years of experience to conduct sweep, visual inspection, and moisture-resistance evaluation

After initial scouting of chimney issues, cleaners specializing in creosote & animal removal clear flues to leave behind cleaner hearths

Chimney specialist utilizes more than 15 years of experience to conduct sweeping, visual inspection & moisture-resistance evaluation.

Insured and bonded chimney sweeps help prevent potential fires with chimney cleaning and inspection with Chim-Scan video equipment

Technicians inspect flues for cracks before removing soot & debris to prevent fires & carbon monoxide buildup

After initial scouting of chimney issues, cleaners specializing in creosote & animal removal clear flues to leave behind cleaner hearths