Boston - Chiropractor Deals

Licensed practitioner scrutinizes spines with x-rays & adjusts joints to increase motion & bolster healing; with or without massage

Skilled therapist kneads away aches and pains during 60-minute therapeutic massage and offers advice during health screening

In four visits, Dr. Dunsky diagnoses and begins to treat root causes of pain with x-rays, therapy, and massage

Customized Swedish, deep-tissue, or prenatal massage; hands-on instructional couples-massage class with instruction

Licensed massage therapists relax muscles with 60-minute Swedish, deep-tissue, or therapist's choice of massages

Chiropractors identify root causes of pain & latent health problems to create care plan & make pain-relieving adjustments.

Licensed practitioner soothes muscles with massage, scrutinizes spines with x-rays & adjusts joints to increase motion & bolster healing

Licensed therapist kneads body with variety of massage techniques & consults with client about pain causes & recommended courses of action

Chiropractor accounts for lifestyle & long-term issues & provides exercise advice & education when treating spines & supportive soft tissue

Orthopedic & neurological examination, x-rays, massage, physiotherapy & related chiropractic adjustments help bones, breathing & circulation