Boston - Medical Spas Deals
Board-certified plastic surgeon injects Botox serum around eyes or foreheads to relax muscles & fend off wrinkles for up to four months
Batches of Botox injections stymie forehead and eye wrinkles for up to six months
Licensed aesthetician stimulates circulation and reduces cellulite on legs and thighs with noninvasive, FDA-approved lipomassage treatments.
Certified professionals diminish signs of aging or redness with ultrasonic peel & low-frequency ultrasound waves or microdermabrasion
Visitors look refreshed after enjoying a mini facial & the smooth, gliding strokes of a Swedish massage
Skilled technicians help reduce sagging skin in facial or body areas by remolding collagen with laser energy
30-minute treatments reduce up to 3 inches of body fat in each treatment or reduce the appearance of cellulite
Techs wield elōs-powered Syneron laser to permanently remove unwanted bristle from variety of skin areas in six or unlimited installments
Technicians help oust unwanted hair with Candela GentleLase device that soothes skin with cooling spray during customized treatments
Noninvasive system targets body tissues to destabilize fat & bolster body processes before whole-body vibration session stimulates muscles