Charleston - Detoxification Deals
54% Off Weight-Loss Program with B12 Injections
$120 for a 30-Day Weight-Loss Program with B12 Injections at Physician's Plan ($259 Value)
10 Sep, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Weight loss plan created by licensed physicians combines personalized diet with supplement bars, progress book & appetite suppressors
Up to 57% Off Dietary Cleanse from Speedloss
Two-Day Food-and-Juice Cleanse or Two-Day Sport Food-and-Juice Cleanse from Speedloss (Up to 57% Off)
By Speedloss
26 May, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Juices, shakes, snacks & supplements fortify customers 5 times a day for 48 hours in an effort to detoxify systems & stimulate weight loss
Up to 57% Off Dietary Cleanses from Speedloss
Two-Day Food and Juice Cleanse or Two-Day Sport Food and Juice Cleanse from Speedloss (Up to 57% Off)
By Speedloss
22 Apr, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Juices, shakes, snacks & supplements fortify customers five times per day for 48 hours in effort to detoxify systems & stimulate weight loss
54% Off Weight-Loss Plan with B12 Shots
$120 for a 30-Day Weight-Loss Plan with B12 Injections at Physician's Plan ($260 Value)
29 Dec, 2011 at 05:02 AM

Weight loss plan created by licensed physicians combines personalized diet with supplement bars, progress book & appetite suppressors