Charlotte Deals

Men enjoy beer or nonalcoholic beverage in a richly appointed barber shop with leather chairs, dark wood, and TVs over each station

Bagels smeared with cream cheese and piled with lox, grilled balsamic vegetable wraps, and sandwiches layered with Boar’s Head meats

Two-hour competition simulates the epic struggle to survive during a catastrophic zombie invasion

Duos receive professional coaching while honing aim in a professional, 18-lane indoor, air-conditioned archery range

Massage therapist combines Swedish, deep-tissue, and other massage techniques to address her clients’ needs

Customers pump any of 16 flavors of frozen yogurt and top it with fruit, cereal, and candy; price is determined by weight

Well-stocked gym with name-brand gear, childcare, personal training, and group classes such as Body Pump, Pilates, and spinning

Long-lasting gel manicures and spa pedicures at salon and spa

Adjustments, x-rays, and fitness classes from CrossFit-certified chiropractors

Plant nursery helps prepare for fall landscaping project with specialty annuals, mum, pansies, and violas