Charlotte - Art Classes Deals

Students craft bowls and light catchers while learning about the properties, behavior, and reactions of fused glass

Expert artist tutors pupils in basics of freehand drawing and painting with media such as graphite, acrylics, and watercolors

Two-hour classes help artists of all abilities unleash their creativity and hone their drawing techniques

Local artists lead wine-sipping guests brushstroke by brushstroke through creation of their own paintings

Expert artist tutors pupils in basics of media such as graphite, acrylic, watercolors & oil paints during classes for many ages & levels

Poppies, skylines, or trees cascade across canvases as students paint their own versions of works while being led by local artists.

Expert artist tutors pupils in basics of media such as graphite & acrylic, watercolor & oil paints during classes for many ages & all levels

Expert artists impart pupils of all skill levels with drawing & painting basics in three-hour workshops that permit students to bring snacks

Experienced artist teaches students to craft clay creations on spinning pottery wheel or by hand before firing creations to take home

Students learn properties of glass from artist Rose Hawley & make their own glass bowl or hanging piece to take home