Charlotte - Outdoor Pursuits Deals

Competitive wakeboarder Travis Sloan draws from his eight years of experience to teach students to jump, flip, and spin

After 30-minute ground briefing, skydivers ascend to at least 10,000 ft. & jump while strapped to pros, reaching speeds of up to 120 mph

Six-hour trip down Upper and Middle Ocoee River over Class III and IV rapids; gourmet lunch, drinks, T-shirt, and photo CD included

Guides impart paddling and water-safety tips before students glide solo along the scenic shorelines of Lake Norman or Mountain Island Lake

Instructors teach basic standing and paddling techniques and introduce ecosystem and wildlife of Mountain Island Lake during 90-minute tours

Professional archers teach campers the basics of archery, helping hone their skills in an 18-lane indoor range over three days

Earn a lifelong scuba certification throughout two weekends with open-water dives in a local rock quarry

Experienced guides lead rafters over Class III & IV rapids for adventuresome ride, with photos & camping options available

Guides impart paddleboarding tips & water-safety basics on Mountain Island Lake before students glide solo along scenic shorelines