Chattanooga - Alternative Medicine Practitioners Deals
Up to 82% Off Chiropractic and Massage Services
Chiropractic Exam, Adjustment, and Massage or Two or Three 60-Minute Massages at Natural Life Clinic (Up to 82% Off)
08 Aug, 2012 at 04:00 AM

A holistically inclined chiropractor and a massage therapist combine forces to soothe muscle aches and back pain with precision pressures
51% Off Five-Day Juice Cleanse
$36 for a Five-Day Detoxifying Juice Cleanse with Shipping Included from A Choice for Life ($73 Value)
17 Jul, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Twice-daily glasses of herbal-detox drink work with breakfast serving of multi-protein drink to flush 5–20 lbs. of toxins in five days
82% Off Chiropractic Package
$29 for Massage, Chiropractic Exam, Consultation, Adjustment, and Follow-Up at Natural Life Clinic ($165 Value)
25 Feb, 2012 at 05:00 AM

Holistically inclined chiropractor & massage therapist combine forces to soothe aches along spine & back muscles with precision pressures