Chicago Deals

Prime rib, stuffed burgers & chicken bruschetta listed on menu of delightfully epicurean sports bar, host of all-you-can-eat private parties

Schubas' eats machine churns out regional fare such as juicy chicken breast on tomato focaccia bun & tomatillo smoked pork over eggs

Putt-putt posses traverse 18 holes of miniature golf at indoor family fun centers adorned with obstacle-laden courses

Passed-down family recipes yield north-Indian fare of saag paneer with house-made cheese, sauce-drenched chicken korma & tender kebabs

Chiropractic Swedish massage boosts energy and circulation with gentle contact; deep-tissue massage targets inflammation and injury.

Instructors teach tango basics such as posture, musicality & embrace to contemporary music inside studio built & designed by Argentines

Bicycles & easily maneuverable segway vehicles traverse lakefront for views of Chicago skyline, parks & lakeside museums

Terrain park entices with layout of halfpipes, rails & tabletops that change regularly & one-hour lessons with slope-savvy instructors

Cobblers breathe new life into shoes, buffing scuffs, repairing broken heels & blanketing soles with protective layers

High-rise hotel in Greektown offers chic accommodations near United Center & Loop