Chicago - Car Wash & Detailing Deals

Hand washers deliver undercarriage treatment & Rain-X protectant, shine up tires & rims, vacuum interiors & clean windows in 1–2 hours

Touchless car wash gently sprays undercarriage & massages lotions into paint before techs dress tires for finish backed by 5-day guarantee

Meticulous wash staff knock away stuck-on grime with detailed hand wash capped with interior detailing & waxing services

Car specialists hand-apply premium wax to exteriors, detail interiors & steam engine compartments before cleaning & polishing rims

Handy technicians rejuvenate rides with soft cloth washes, up to five quarts of standard oil, or detailing touches

Detailing shop with 20+ years’ experience cleanses rides of all sizes, inside & out, with hand washes, shampoo & leather treatment

Techs groom car by hand, caress exterior with towels, vacuum interior & wipe down mats seven days a week

Hand washes & meticulous details previously offered exclusively to dealership vehicles

Acclaimed auto spa's techs meticulously hand-wax exteriors & purify interiors with shampoo, vacuums & special brushes & swabs

Skilled techs fit cars with Avital remote-start systems, with lock, unlock & trunk release, inside 30,000 sq. ft. automotive facility