Chicago - Charity Deals

Donations help teens offer companionship & complimentary makeovers to women in Chinese American Service League's adult day-services program

Donations help send 10 low-income youths on a two-day outdoor adventure complete with camping, canoeing, and lessons

Donations to help provide children and families in need with fresh produce this summer

Donations help treat and rehabilitate ill and injured animals, using x-rays, antibiotics, and critical care

Donations help Old Town School of Folk Music pay for a bike rack for visitors to its recently expanded location

Donations sponsor one teen in a one-year art program that combines visual arts with social-justice and skills-training workshops

Donations to support athletes' participation in Special Olympics Summer Games at Illinois State University

Donations fund supplies such as rakes, shears, and mulch so that 50 volunteers can clean up Dunning-Read Conservation area

Donations fund free public dance shows put on by professional choreographers and dancers in local parks

Donations to help rugby club & youth association sponsor at-risk youths to play rugby & gain valuable life skills