Chicago - Chiropractor Deals

Therapists ease away muscle aches with strokes customized to individual preferences, lifestyles, and muscle knot ferocity

Pads emit LED light, prompting fat cells to release liquid contents and contour the body

Chiropractors tailor spinal adjustments according to scans before licensed massage therapists soothe sore muscles

One-hour massage thwarts tension and chronic pain by targeting sore spots and applying gentle pressure with gliding strokes

Chiropractor who's undergone diverse forms of physiological training diagnoses and treats back aches, shoulder pain, and other woes

Massage therapists weave together various modalities to form custom bodywork treatments that address clients’ unique conditions

Licensed massage therapists treat bodies with a modality designed to knead away aches and increase circulation

Clients choose from seven massage modalities that thwart tension, bolster circulation, and improve range of motion

Low-level lasers target trouble spots in abdomens, hips & thighs, helping patrons shed inches

A 60-minute massage uses the client's choice of relaxation, deep-tissue, or therapeutic methods; a 30-minute facial cleanses and exfoliates