Chicago - Dentists Deals
Hydrogen-peroxide gel brightens teeth up to eight shades after seasoned dental techs check bitewing x-rays and clean teeth
Patients repose in dentist-office massage chairs as Zoom whitening brightens smiles & dentists examine & clean chompers.
Dentist fades stains from coffee, red wine, aging & tobacco with professional-strength gel.
After exam with x-rays and mouth impressions, dentists correct wayward chompers with clear, removable aligners
Dentist custom-fabricates a permanent crown with a computer-aided design and manufacturing system and cements it to the tooth in one visit
Dental team searches mouths for cavities and gum disease and brightens smiles with Venus whitening
A comprehensive checkup keeps teeth decay-free; 90-minute whitening brightens up smiles
Dental professionals assess oral health with an exam and digital x-rays before scrubbing teeth or lifting stains with whitening treatment
Invisible braces straighten teeth in 6–18 months; dental exams take about one hour
Invisible braces straighten teeth in 6–18 months