Chicago - Doctors Deals

Dr. Loiterman uses laser to noninvasively reduce veins & their appearance over series of outpatient treatments.

Trained techs draw blood for a variety of panels that test for diseases, analyze general wellness or reveal warning signs of future illness

Holistic healthcare providers employ scientifically formulated gel & special light to whiten teeth up to 10 shades

Medically supervised staff aims focused laser beams at unwanted hair in 15- to 60-minute treatments that require no downtime

Medically supervised staff combines IPL & vacuuming techniques to help smooth cellulite & tighten skin on the underarm or buttocks

Medically supervised staff; Noninvasive treatments; Refine skin tone & texture; Two 30-minute services;

Medically supervised staff; Noninvasive treatment; Can flush fatty liquid from body; Takes 20–30 minutes;