Chicago - Education Deals

Five-hour speed-reading class boosts information intake two to five times without loss of comprehension or retention

Chefs tutor kids in age-appropriate techniques in space clear of peanuts & tree nuts during class for parent & child or summer camp

Instructors teach tango basics such as posture, musicality & embrace to contemporary music inside studio built & designed by Argentines

With guidance from skilled pâtissier, burgeoning bakers adorn four handheld comestibles with various toppings & frosting flavors

Expert bakers lead workshops on how to ferment flour & water into sourdough-yeast starter & maintain it to yield artisan loaves

Experienced instructors coach small language classes in conversation & grammar

Motion maestros teach dozens of classes ranging from Giordano jazz to hip-hop at school founded by jazz-dance legend

Certified scuba instructors teach swimmers scuba basics & guide them to certification with open-water, pool & classroom sessions

Chef Lucia Biscaglio guides students from dough to finished pizza in 90-minute classes that end with complimentary dessert

Veteran thespian Ryan Kitley leads aspiring actors through crash course with taped on-camera scene work & live onstage performances