Chicago - Education Deals

Professional photographer teaches students basic principles, such as DSLR camera settings and using flash

Three two-hour group language lessons include tastings of traditional Italian cuisine & six semiprivate sessions hone conversational skills

Professional photographers teach up to 10 students how to properly light, frame, and time images of illustrious nature sights

Netta Schleden channels her British Horse Society training to teach riders to safely pilot their steeds

Academic evaluation's battery of tests maps reading and math skills for Kâ12 students or test-prep assesses readiness for the ACT or SAT

Online courses accredit students for teaching English to non-English speakers with help of personal tutor & access to job database

Nation's largest private bartending school helps students to master mixing techniques or spend 40 hours earning bartending certification

Students learn basics of line, shape, proportion, and composition or build on skills to find their own inimitable style.

Instructor Jasmin imparts basic belly-dance skills incorporating scarves and cymbals and leads low-impact aerobic workouts that tone bodies

Students get personalized, detailed help with test prep, math, writing & reading during in-person or online tutoring sessions