Chicago - Weight Loss Centers Deals

Medically supervised B12 shots help boost energy levels and metabolism

In about an hour, a physician and surgeon targets a specific body area with a laser designed to liquefy fat.

Herbal body wraps detoxify bodies to help smooth cellulite and lose inches, and massages improve circulation and reduce stress

High-intensity, low-frequency ultrasound waves break apart fat-cell barriers, causing them to shrink & smooth cellulite

Doctor strips up to 1 inch per body-slimming treatment from physiques using FDA-approved, noninvasive i-Lipo system.

Noninvasive Lapex BCS LipoLasers warm tissue, boost circulation, flush out fatty acids & slim down physiques

Holistically focused weight-loss & wellness program with personal coaching, meal plans, caloric tracking & natural supplements

Doctor aids in tightening skin & slimming torsos with FDA-approved noninvasive Apollo system in two sessions that last up to 40 minutes each

Weight-loss program whittles down pounds with B12 & lipotropic injections & meal plan, whole body wrap, supplements & power plates detoxify

Wellness boot camp blends exercise regimens & diet plans with emotional support & strategies for creating long-term behavioral changes