Cincinnati - Education Deals

Individual attention in small classes helps elucidate necessary knits & purls to fashion scarves

Award-winning multimedia lessons in French, German, Italian, Spanish & 34 more languages with feedback from native speakers

Online courses accredit students for teaching English to non-English speakers with help of personal tutor & access to job database

Expert chef teaches couples or groups methods for making cheese spreads, blocks & crumbles, with take-home ingredients & instructional DVD

Professional trader seen on Million Dollar Traders teaches novices to turn profits & design balanced portfolios in five steps

Seasoned instructors lead students through various styles of ballroom dance in private & group lessons

Certified flight instructors help pupils soar in lessons that include ground school, in-flight instruction & credit toward pilot's license

Native Spanish speaking instructors lead both youngsters & adults through hands-on courses that actively build language skills

E-books, videos & interactive online classes with image sharing & critiques allow students to work at their own pace.

Award-winning multimedia lessons in French, German, Italian & Spanish with feedback from native speakers