Cleveland - Chiropractor Deals

Results of chiropractic exam & x-rays guide Dr. Fite's spinal adjustment, which can relieve pain & improve posture

Aromatherapy aids massage to dispel stress and bolster blood circulation; computerized spinal scan pinpoints problem areas before adjustment

Exam and x-rays discover points of pain; adjustment realigns vertebrae; one-hour massage soothes aches

Dr. Russell hunts for symptoms' root causes with biofeedback & nutritional analyses, so he can support imbalances with supplementation

Doctors perform consultations with follow-up treatments or one-hour massages performed in tandem with yoga postures

Licensed chiropractor adopts holistic approach to identify underlying health issues & promote spinal wellness with up-to-date techniques

Expert massage therapists & chiropractors aim to relieve muscle aches & discover source of physical ailments

Board-certified chiropractor corrects misalignments by hand, alleviates pinched nerves, loosens taut muscles & stimulates pain relief

Wellness center focuses on improving & maintaining health in order to avoid risk of future maladies through bodywork & consultations

Deep myofascial massage; Target trigger points & knots; Consultation, exam & x-rays;