Cleveland - Education Deals

Baristas lead coffee courses in stocked espresso bar with topics ranging from roasting beans at home to professional barista techniques

Local artists teach students of all skill levels to create canvas masterpieces with provided acrylic paint & supplies

FFA-approved simulator generates virtual weather & full video scenarios before pupils join certified instructors in hands-on aerial flight

Online courses accredit students for teaching English to non-English speakers with help of personal tutor & access to job database

Professional photographers teach up to 10 students how to properly light, frame & time images of illustrious nature sights

Baristas lead coffee-related courses from roasting beans at home to professional barista techniques in school's stocked espresso bar

Wine experts guide libation novices through two-hour evening classes in cabernets, cellaring techniques & Spanish wines

Engaging instructor leads students ranging in age from infancy to adult through individual tutorials centered on lifesaving aquatic skills

Small groups learn of art of libations in interactive, hands-on four-hour bartending classes in fully equipped bar

Award-winning multimedia lessons in French, German, Italian & Spanish with feedback from native speakers