Colorado Springs - Yoga Deals

Instructors teach students to link breath with movement through a series of postures during Yin-, basic-, and power-yoga classes

Instructors teach students to link breath with movement through a series of postures during Vinyasa, basic, and power yoga classes

Under flock of origami cranes, yogis of all skill levels breathe through Iyengar & restorative yoga classes led by seasoned instructors

Dynamic flow of Vinyasa-style poses, breathing exercises & uplifting music energize bodies & minds in stretch-friendly heated rooms

Helpful instructors guide students through healing yoga classes that vary in difficulty to accommodate students of all abilities

Close-knit yoga community ; Early-morning classes available; Experienced instructors; Intimate studio space;

Profiled in Gazette; Fun & safe yoga for kids; Supportive instructors; Build strength, focus & control;