Columbia, MO - Massage Deals

Swedish massage relaxes the nervous system with long, flowing strokes that can help enable the body to repair itself

A massage eases tension in the head, neck, and shoulders, while reflexology relies on focused pressure to relax the body

30-minute neck, head, and back massages loosen upper bodies; hot stones and gliding strokes soothe muscles in 90-minute sessions

Therapist reduces muscular discomfort in backs & heads with hot-stone massage before clients lend soles to relaxing foot soak & massage

Experienced massage therapist reduces muscular discomfort in backs, heads, hands & feet with Swedish & customized methodologies

Stylists soothe stress & slim silhouettes with Swedish or skinny massage, condition hair, buff nails & wax upper lips or eyebrows

Sea-salt foot exfoliation; Hand, leg & foot massage; Stylish hand & foot makeover;