Columbia Deals

Clients choose between microdermabrasion and mask treatments or a mild chemical peel to slough off dead skin cells and brighten complexions

Sterling-silver bracelets, charms, and guitar picks bear names of loved ones and personalized messages

Weight-loss accelerating super-food blend contains acai-berry extract, green tea, and coffee extracts to help detoxify and block fat uptake

ASE-certified technicians tune up cars with standard or synthetic oil and inspect tires, engines, and other parts for 45 minutes

Truck-mounted steam machines lift stains from carpets and deodorizer evicts odors, and air ducts are cleaned for healthy HVAC systems

Interior designers assemble artwork, mirrors, and home accessories alongside furniture from lines such as Baker and Tritter Feefer

Motorola Bluetooth headset with RapidConnect on/off switch, easy-access mute button, and noise-reduction features

20-page hardcover books anthologize digital pics & art with easy-to-use application & more than 200 layouts

Industry-savvy writers craft resumés, cover letters, and polite follow-up missives to help job seekers get noticed

Stylish speaker, FM radio, and dock for iPod and iPhone blasts two-channel audio sound within a sleek, horizontal design