Columbus - Dentists Deals

Patients are fitted with virtually invisible aligners to straighten teeth in about 12 months & soothing hand massage is provided

Dr. Coliadis & friendly staff clean chompers & examine teeth for maladies with comprehensive exam & panoramic & bitewing x-rays

Exam ensures healthy gum & teeth before chemically-activated smile-brightening gel enhances smiles during one-hour treatment

Dentist examines & x-rays teeth for signs of disease, then scrubs surface free of plaque to improve smiles & health

Dental technicians thoroughly inspect, clean & polish teeth & protect against cavities with fluoride rinse

Empire Dentistry's team of handpicked dentists whitens ivories up to eight shades during in-office treatment without UV exposure

Seasoned dental staff crafts glinting grins with exam & cleaning, bitewing & panoramic x-rays & strengthening fluoride treatment

Zoom! whitening lightens teeth up to eight shades in 45-minute service

Series of clear, removable aligners straighten out crooked chompers in 6–15 months

Experienced doctor eradicates unwanted hair from one of 14 available treatment areas with dermatological expertise & advanced Palomar lasers