Columbus - Hair Salon Deals

After shampoo, stylists shape locks into chic styles and streak strands with full or partial highlights or a total color swap.

Seventeen-year hair-industry veteran helps smooth curls and ease frizz for 10–12 weeks using Brazilian Blowout products

Stylists cut, shampoo, and blow-dry hair, with options to add color or full or partial highlights with Redken products

Express or full keratin treatment irons out curls, boosts shine, and eliminates frizz for up to two or six months, respectively

Stylist Jason Caldwell creates depth, dimension, and sheen with full or partial highlights and reshapes locks into chic styles

Custom signature facial includes a skin analysis and essential oils to nourish and cleanse the skin

In one- to two-hour treatments, keratin smoothes frizz and calms curls, leaving tresses easier to style for up to four months

Over one to two hours, technicians apply lashes one at a time for a natural look that lasts for up to three weeks

A custom haircut pairs with a healing conditioning treatment or strategically placed highlights

In one- to two-hour treatments, keratin smoothes frizz and calms curls, leaving tresses easier to style for up to five months