Columbus - Professional Services Deals

National service helps members find high-quality pros such as doctors and mechanics, with live support and certified data-collection process

Eco-friendly dry-cleaning services remove dirt and stains using liquid solvent; laundry and alteration services also available

After initial scouting of chimney issues, cleaners specializing in creosote and animal removal clear flues to leave behind cleaner hearths

Donations provide a scholarship for at least one child to attend the weeklong Techie Camp, where campers learn to build and program robots

Customers send in VHS tapes, photo albums, or film reels and receive personalized DVDs and private online content

Trained photographers direct customers through poses with a variety of backdrops and props during private digital-photo shoots

Enclosed or open-air photo booths take shots of guests donning fun props and dispense unlimited photo strips

Energy-efficient machinery thoroughly cleanses clothes that clients wash in area with three LCD TVs and free WiFi

Image professionals edit homespun recordings & transfer video to two-hour DVD from up to four sources

Donations help to spay or neuter stray or feral cats