Dallas - Accessories Deals

Silicone watches and jewelry with Italian-inspired designs, vibrant color schemes, and a functional design aesthetic

Purifier reduces unpleasant odors and purges the air of 99% of dust, allergens, and pet dander; includes built-in speed controls and timer

Designer featured in People and on the Home Shopping Network customizes purses and accessories with personal photos you upload.

Durable, water-resistant silicon wristwatches infuse skin with negative ions that may increase metabolism, enhance stamina, and boost focus.

One or three refills for a 20 lb. tank from residential & commercial propane provider

Shoppers enjoy discounts on chic apparel by Lola Verde & local designers as well as complimentary cocktails & spa services

High-quality freshwater pearls imported from their home on Chinese riverbeds add graceful touches to earrings & necklaces

Noise-canceling headphones keep MP3 players, DVD players & cell phones free from ambient sounds

Pop star Justin Bieber’s angelic face graces pair of dentist-approved toothbrushes, which echo his hit singles for 120 brush-heavy seconds