Dallas Deals

Technicians bedeck fingernails with Shellac manicures, massage therapists knead shoulders, and aestheticians hydrate faces with facials

24,000 sq. ft. of wall-to-wall trampolines fuels sky-soaring bouts of open jump play and bounce-based sports

Licensed technicians revamp AC units with 18-point tune-up that includes calibrating thermostat, coil inspection, and up to 1 lb. of Freon

A licensed esthetician whisks away unwanted hair from body parts such as the back, chest, or toes

Innovative sushi creations, such as lobster rolls with yamagobo or Queen rolls with snow crab and asparagus, mingle with hibachi entrees

Experienced glass artist teaches classes of up to four to safely blow and sculpt glass puddles into bowls, paperweights, and marbles

Instructors educate individuals and couples in Latin, ballroom, or line dances during private lessons and newcomer group classes

Technicians use environmentally friendly products whenever possible during mani-pedis that end with coats of long-lasting shellac

Approximately 5,000 participants hurl roma tomatoes at each other as live music and beer flow all afternoon

Deft techs wield a noninvasive laser to restore blankness to skin tones during 30- to 45-minute tattoo-removal sessions