Dallas - Art Classes Deals

Step-by-step instructions at BYOB painting classes leave every student with a wall-ready image; all materials provided

Practiced painters lead step-by-step classes that cover a variety of subject matter from still lifes to holiday-inspired works

Experienced glass artist teaches classes of up to four to safely blow and sculpt glass puddles into bowls, paperweights, and marbles

Instructor and native-Dallas photographer teaches students how to properly light, frame & time images of local sights

Seasoned painter visits homes to host art parties that focus on fun projects, such as step-by-step renditions of Starry Night

Practiced painters lead step-by-step painting classes covering variety of subject matter from still lifes to holiday-inspired works

Studio hosts drop-In pottery painting for all ages, kids' art classes, and adult art classes and BYOB art workshops

Experienced glass artist teaches classes of up to four to safely blow & sculpt glass puddles into bowls, paperweights & marbles

Professional artist teaches step-by-step painting techniques & color mixing in classes for every skill level with complimentary coffee

Professional artist teaches step-by-step painting techniques & color mixing in classes for every skill level with complimentary coffee