Dallas - Cosmetic Surgeons Deals

Noninvasive radio frequencies heat deep dermal layers, helping smooth cellulite and tighten skin with no downtime

Water-based system permanently removes unwanted fat cells with less downtime than traditional liposuction

Board-certified plastic surgeon Alfredo Rodriguez makes incisions to remove bags from lower eyelids, wrinkles from upper eyelids, or both

Noninvasive microdermabrasion treatment and custom chemical peel exfoliate dead skin cells and help to reduce fine lines

Chin implants add definition to jawlines; outpatient procedure performed under local anesthetic

Noninvasive Dermatone radio frequencies heat deep dermal layers, helping smooth cellulite & tighten skin with no downtime.

A licensed physician employs water-assisted liposuction surgery to remove fatty tissue with local anesthesia

After consultation, sclerotherapy or laser vein removal are performed to reduce size & appearance of veins

Board-certified plastic surgeon removes excess tissue & fat from upper & lower eyelids as patients' fears slip away with local anesthesia

Focused beams of light target spider veins on legs or face, causing them to disappear over the course of 4–6 weeks.