Dallas - Health & Fitness Deals

Teeth become noticeably whiter thanks to a light-activated hydrogen-peroxide gel.

Noninvasive FDA-approved laser treatment slims inches from the waistline, hips, and thighs with little downtime

Learn practical self-defense moves, or enhance your fighter’s physique with specialized yoga classes

Inside eight batting cages, players hit baseballs and softballs hurled by automatic machines or other players

Holistic chiropractor administers acupuncture to naturally relieve stress and pain; treats roots of pain, not just the symptoms

CrossFit-certified trainers guide students through intense, varied, and engaging daily workouts to mold flab into muscle

Yoga sessions in rooms heated to 95 degrees, traditional Hatha yoga, and Latin-inspired dance cardio

Ladies stretch and tone muscles with help from weights and Brazilian-inspired techniques

Techniques include Swedish, therapeutic, or deep-tissue massage, lymphatic drainage, post-workout stretching, or myofascial release

The independent yoga studio hosts classes for beginners, mothers-to-be, and seniors