Dayton - Education Deals

Soar in a Cessna plane after a lesson including ground school, in-flight instruction, and credit toward a pilot's license

Online courses accredit students for teaching English to non-English speakers with help of personal tutor & access to job database

Access to 38 courses & 500-plus hours at all levels of online training on workplace mainstays such as Microsoft Excel & Lotus Notes

Instructors lend song & editing advice to couples during consultation before private wedding-dance lesson synchronizes steps & twirls

Professional trader seen on Million Dollar Traders teaches novices to turn profits & design balanced portfolios in five steps

Certified social-dance instructors lead pairs in ballroom & Latin dances in inviting 2,400-sq.-ft studio space

Certified flight instructors help pupils soar in lessons that include ground school, in-flight instruction & credit toward pilot's license

Cross-platform education site preps students in GMAT, LSAT & other academic fields through discussion boards, quizzes & practice tests

Experienced instructors lead singles or duos in ballroom, social, or Latin dance during professional studio lessons