Daytona Beach - Laser Hair Removal Deals
78% Off Laser Fungus Removal
$199 for Laser Toenail-Fungus Removal for Both Feet or Both Hands at Hair Free By Dolores ($900 Value)
29 Aug, 2012 at 04:00 AM

FDA-approved laser kills the fungus under nails with little to no discomfort and no posttreatment downtime
Up to 68% Off Zerona Body-Contouring Treatments
Zerona Body-Contouring Treatments at Amara Chiropractic & Laser Center (Up to 68% Off). Two Options Available.
30 Mar, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Noninvasive Zerona instrument sheds inches & sculpts body by causing cells to release fat, which emulsifies tissue
Up to 91% Off IPL Hair Removal
Six Laser Hair-Removal Treatments using IPL for One Small, Medium, or Large Area at AgeLess MediSpa (Up to 91% Off)
11 Nov, 2011 at 05:02 AM

Physician & staff brandish pulsed-light Sciton laser to thin out patches of unwanted fuzz with hair removal that requires no downtime
Up to 74% Off Smart Lipo in Ormond Beach
Smart Lipo Treatment for One Small or Large Area at AgeLess MediSpa in Ormond Beach
15 Sep, 2011 at 04:02 AM

Board-certified physician; Minimally invasive treatment; Less discomfort & downtime than traditional liposuction;
60% Off Body-Slimming Treatments in South Daytona
$999 for Six Zerona Body-Slimming Treatments at Amara Chiropractic & Laser Center in South Daytona ($2,500 Value)
09 Sep, 2011 at 04:01 AM

FDA-approved body-slimming treatment; Noninvasive procedure; Six 40-minute sessions;