Denver - Laser Hair Removal Deals

Laser light penetrates each infected toenail and destroys fungus

Trained techs eradicate unwanted body hair with the Cutera ProWave 770 laser, boasting a built-in cooling tip for a comfortable treatment

Photofacial treatments aim pulsed light at the skin to fade signs of aging, sun damage, and redness

Technicians and physicians combine three FDA-approved lasers to zap hair from dozens of body areas including face, legs, and bikini line

Concentrated light beams penetrate follicles on all skin types and remove hair at the root without leaving nicks or bumps

IPL treatments tackle spider veins on the upper or lower regions of both legs

Roughly 15-minute hair-removal sessions target unwanted fuzz at various stages in growth cycle

A chemical peel treatment using glycolic acid exfoliates the skin, resulting in a more youthful look

Laser technicians operate Palomar hand-held hair-removal technology to gently remove hair and stop follicles from regrowth

Certified laser technicians work to erase stretch marks with noninvasive light waves