Des Moines Deals
Pocket-sized Tanda Zap device uses a three-pronged approach to eliminate acne-causing bacteria and prevent breakouts
Visitors ride pallet into solid steel fortress, where they must avoid chainsaws and murderous madmen
Camouflage-printed shooters launch miniature marshmallows up to 30 feet
A belt-shaped sterling-silver cocktail ring sprinkled with diamonds; two black-and-white styles available
Digital alarm clock signals the new day with tunes from your iPod and a vibrating shaker that wakes the deepest of sleepers
Cleaning crews dispense nontoxic, eco-friendly products that dry in two to four hours to safely degrime carpets
A choice of eight magazines includes Fitness, Weight Watchers Magazine, and an eco-friendly parenting magazine
Insured and bonded staff clears gutters of debris to guide water out and away from home foundations
State-of-the-art sound system booms audio of first-run releases as viewers in plush seats snack on popcorn and soda
Oprah-endorsed artwork frames images of found objects such as trees, fences, and signs that double as letters to spell a name or word