Detroit Deals

Ball-spinning antics abound as world-famous exhibition basketball team dazzles in comic & athletic performance

Experienced chef leads series of 8 Indian-cooking classes that lends fiery arsenal of Southeast Asian flavors to culinary artists' palettes

Skilled yogis hone minds & bodies into harmony with heat-generating Vinyasa & beginner-friendly Slowburn classes

Techs fortify slope-bound snowboards & skis with complete tune-ups that remove old wax, sharpen edges & apply layer of fresh wax

Low & high intensity tanning beds transform pale hues into deep golden browns or open-air booth coats UV-shy skin in all-natural bronzer

Skilled photographers snap & edit alluring photos of single models or couples, & guests receive disk of high-resolution images & one print

Salsa chefs craft fresh concoctions from vine-ripened tomatoes in spiciness levels ranging from mild garlic to five-pepper Double Diablo

Newspaper-themed deli piles Sy Ginsberg meats onto signature sandwiches flanked by homemade chips, & guests sip on glass-bottled sodas

Holistic healers bolster happy bodies & minds with the aid of ionic footbaths, reflexology, & massage services amid tranquil wellness haven

Professional lifelong knitter, artist & yarn designer leads courses on European-style knitting for all crafting aptitudes & ages